Tuesday, June 09, 2009

SCREEN IT! Movie analysis

Just a reminder that we have a subscription to Screenit.com for people who want to know more details about what's in a movie - everything from sex/nudity to0 profanity to "disrespectful/bad attitude."

Their description: "Screen It! was created to give parents a way to access the content of popular entertainment their kids are exposed to. It is not intended as censorship. Rather, it is designed to allow Hollywood and independent filmmakers to continue to produce movies, videos and DVDs while informing parents of the content in them. Some people argue over the moral quality of films while others want to ban certain releases that contain material that particularly offends them."

"cplyouth" is the login. Password is the same as our #2 login for B&T (check large Rolodex under "Movie ratings" if you don't remember.)

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