Saturday, September 22, 2007

No PIN through email

From Saren's email:
I verified with Peter and Dan, and Peter prefers that we do not give out a customer's PIN number through our email service. He would prefer they either call or come in person to get that information. On the phone have the customer verify their phone number and address, and in person either look at their ID or verify the address and phone number. He also said if we end up giving a customer their library card number and PIN number over the phone, we do not need to count it as a look-up.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Opening WPS (Works) files

It's possible to open Works (WPS) files on public computers, even though it may seem like it's not.
  1. You MUST copy the file to the computer first.
  2. Open MS Word.
  3. Use the file open in Word to find the file and open it.
  4. Follow directions to install the converter when prompted.
  5. You MAY have to tell the computer several times to "Ignore" a problem with a registry key (Jeff is looking into fixing this)
Bonus steps:
  1. Recommend that the person save the file as a Word document at that point.
  2. Tell the person to take the extra step to save as a '.doc' when they create files on their home computer using Works in the future. This will save them the headache of not being able to open their files on other computers.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Graphic printing problems in Publisher 2003?

On the public printers, if a patron's graphics all don't print out, try the following:

On the File menu, click Print.
Click Advanced Print Settings, and then click the Graphics and Fonts tab
Under Graphics, click Print low-resolution linked graphics
Click OK.