Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mending procedure change (no more pink slips)

[from Peter's email]
Beginning today, we will no longer use the pink mending slips to communicate mending issues. Instead:
  1. Check the item out to MENDING
  2. Take the Checkout slip from the receipt printer, adding an extra inch or so at the bottom when you do
  3. Write a simple explanation of the problem (spine, pages, scratched)
  4. Include your initials and the date.
  5. Place slip securely sticking out the top of the item.

Basha, Hamilton, and Sunset staff - If you need to send an item to Downtown mending, follow the procedure above and place in a courier bin. Downtown staff will place the item on the Mending shelf

Downtown staff - Please all mending on the mending shelves in the Circ work area.A separate process will be set up for Rush mending and Replacement items.