Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chanwik Reference Fact File

Michelle has been posting lots of good info to the Reference Fact File in Chanwik, if you hadn't noticed: (you'll have to log in to see). Michelle, I guess this question is for you, since you're the only one who's been posting new facts, other than Dan. What do you think about making a dot in the top right corner of anything from our rolodexes that we make into a Reference Fact File page? I just did a page for the City Clerk's Notary Public and did so, just so we will know what's already been done without looking it up. . .


Michelle M. Welch said...

Hey, that would be a good idea. *I* can't even remember what I've already entered...

Michelle M. Welch said...

Another thing about the reference fact file. Sometimes there's a question about what letter to file something under (should "Maricopa County Discout Drug Card" go under Maricopa or under Discount Drug?)

One solution is to cross reference throughout the page -- that is, put a link in both places. (This could lead to a mighty long page.)

However, the search tool in the left-hand column also works well. Typing in "discount drug card" brings up the link without having to browse the Fact File or figure out if it's under Maricopa or Discount Drug. Give it a try!

Lynne said...

This is a great way to finally consolidate all the bits and pieces of valuable local info. Do you want to add the dot to both rolodexes, since we have some topics like notary service in both places?

Michelle M. Welch said...

Absolutely, if we find a duplicate in the little rolodex.