Thursday, August 30, 2007

Federal School Code List

From the Federal Student Aid office: "The 2008-2009 Federal School Code List will be available as of November 1, 2007, on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site at You will be able to search the document online as well as print, download, and share the PDF file if desired. The online document will be updated on a quarterly basis with an errata sheet, to easily identify changes."
The list will no longer be distributed in hard-copy format.
Students can still access the code list on the FAFSA ( website or on the National College Access Network website,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Problems with Anti Virus on public computers

From Ron: "With the new Anti Virus upgrade, we are finding problems such as this [inability to open certain pdfs] and are able to correct them if we can see the problem as it happens . We have the ability to log the problem and make any corrections, but we have to do it prior to the next session starting because the next restart eliminates any logs. If you can let the rest of the reference staff know this, and have then contact us as soon as these problems occur, we can come out and determine what setting we need to change in the Anti Virus settings to eliminate the issue."

Friday, August 24, 2007

Where to RECEIVE a Fax

Nearest places to receive a fax (please add any you find):
Staples at SW corner Alma School and Chandler: 50¢/page
Fedex Kinkos at NE Dobson and Chandler: $1/page

Monday, August 20, 2007

Photos of Graffiti

Ranger Rachael asked that we take photos of the graffiti that we encounter around the library. You can email it to her (she's in the Chanweb directory, look under her first name).

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Christmas Tree Permits already!

It's beginning to look a lot like. . . Christmas? Already got a question about Arizona National Forests’ Sale-by-mail Christmas Tree Program. Guess you can't blame them--the deadline for lottery entries to be postmarked this year is October 1, according to the Christmas Tree Hotline number (602) 225-5258. The applications for the lottery will be available at various locations (presumably here, too) on September 4. They'll have info online on September 1.
Printable packet here:

They are supposed to have Internet applications, but they aren't available yet.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Running a chkdsk on a flash drive!

I discovered today that you can run a chkdsk on a flash drive, not just a floppy! Follow the 'Repairing disks' directions in the 'Care and Feeding' manual, remembering to put the correct drive letter in (not 'a,' which would be the floppy drive). Today, for example, the drive was the letter 'g,' but you never know. Take a look in 'My Computer' first to confirm the drive letter.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Business Listings

Joe tracked down a source for new business listings. There is a "Business Leads" column in both the Arizona Business Gazette and the Phoenix Business Journal, which lists new businesses in the greater Phoenix area (nothing limited to Chandler, unfortunately).

Holds for WEBCAT

We just saw a rash of holds for WEBCAT. Dan sent an email about this a while back -- I've long since deleted it -- but we can just delete these holds. They're generated when a hold is placed in the system but can't be tied to a patron, so there's nothing we can do with them. Just delete the hold and route the item wherever Sirsi tells you to route it (usually back to the shelf).

Monday, August 06, 2007

Real Estate Exam

Information about the Experior exam, from Deidre and Lynne's emails:

The Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE), a government agency, is charged with enforcing the laws and rules governing the real estate profession in Arizona. Thomson Prometric, formerly Experior Assessments, is an independent, professional examination company under contract with ADRE to develop and administer licensing examinations for salespersons and brokers in real estate, cemetery and membership camping sales. Arizona is not reciprocal with any other state or country. An applicant for a real estate, cemetery or membership camping license in Arizona must meet the Arizona requirements in effect at the time of application regardless of the applicant's licensed status in another state.


These exams seem to change ownership often. The last time I called Learning Express to find out if they were keeping up with new editions/owners of the test material, they claimed they were current within the last 6 months. Our database shows Thomson/Prometric (Experior) for the real estate exams.